Friday 13 September 2013


Understanding biological control , as suggested by KF Baker and R.J. Cook , in his book entitled " Biological Control of Plant Pathogens " , published in 1974 and his second book entitled " The Nature and Practice of Biological Control of Plant Pathogens " , published in 1983 , given the definition in the broadest sense . In the definition , including the use of biological control organisms to control the kinds of pathogens and the use of higher plants as one of the best and most effective biological control .Broad definition that until now still can be received by the plant pathologist , although there are still unanswered questions . However , the influence of biological control on a broad definition that also includes measures of successful cultivation and plant breeding for host plant resistance . The use of host plant resistance in biological control is not something peculiar to the plant pathologist . For example , if a gene that regulates the production of inhibitory compounds and plant pathogens carried in bacterial cells pengoloni dinampakkan roots , and bacteria when applied as a seed treatment , able mengoloni and protect the roots of plants , then this condition is known as biological control ( Garrett , 1965; Cook , 1985) .Similarly , if the gene is then transferred to the genetically engineered host plant genome and the gene then was able to manifest its activity by producing inhibitory compounds , which are released through root exudates , then this condition is also known as biological control . Both genes are located inside or in microbes in plant cells , can be referred to as a biological control .Therefore , biological control , according to Cook (1985 ) , can be defined as " all conditions or practices that affect the decline in durability or plant pathogen activity through interaction with other living organisms agents ( other than humans ) , which produces a decrease due to the presence of disease by pathogens " . The official definition of a more thorough understanding of biological control because it combines naturally occurring and are made , involving both microbes and makroba other than sickness or damaged crops . Although humans are not included in the biological control , but the action elements of cultivation , selection and breeding of disease-resistant plants , all of which are performed by humans , including in the biological control component .Biological control is also based on the discipline of plant and microbial genetics , molecular biology , cytology , biochemistry , plant physiology , and many others . Thus , the underlying disciplines of biological control must be complete , thorough and integrated , which will be complete understanding biological control . Biological control can be approximated by genetic manipulation , either in plants , antagonist , or pathogen itself , and directly at the level of ecosystems , populations , or individuals .

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